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浏览次数:1168 发布日期:2015/03/20


    1. Seafarers Earn Loads of Money(船员挣一箩筐一箩筐的钱):大多数的人都会觉得船员挣钱就像是摇钱树一样。不可否认,从刚刚参加工作的船员相对于陆地上的工资会高一些,甚至都能赶上MBA或是博士的工资,但是随着时间的推移海上工资和陆地上的工资差距会逐渐的缩小。还有就是别忘了,船员在船上所需要忍受的工作强度,和离家在外所要忍受的的思念之苦是常人所不能想象的。Probably the most common aspect of a conversation with a misinformed individual, everybody seems to think that we’re cash cows that get paid a huge amount of money. Agreed, the pay is good. However, it is similar to the pay that individuals get after getting themselves a decent MBA/Masters and landing a respectable job (Of course, after certain years down the line in their careers). It is correct that the initial pay is far better than what one would get at shore, but the gap closes up as time goes by. Moreover, people at shore ought not forget the pains a seafarer has to go through to bring in that sort of money- time away from family, living at the mercy of nature, tough labour onboard etc. In our favor though, we don’t have to pay taxes, and rightfully so (Rules on taxes may vary across different countries) !

    2. Seafarers Consume Alcohol All The Time(船员跟电影加勒比海盗里一样都是酒鬼):一般人都会认为船员的酒量都很好,确实,在船上的烟酒等都基本上是免税的,所以相对来说确实会便宜一些。但是不要忘了,一般船舶管理公司体系为了航行安全与工作安全都有明确要求在船工作特别是值班前和值班时禁止饮酒,并且会要求有不定时的酒精测试。并且,船上如果发生事故,极有可能危及到整船人员,船舶及货物的共同安全。所以,尽管船上的酒会比较便宜,但是随着对船上安全的重视程度越来越高,船上会慢慢变成禁酒区。The world over seems to think that sailors have an infinite capacity for alcohol. Couple that with their idea that alcohol onboard is subsidized to the point that it’s free! This notion gives people the credibility to think that sailors drink alcohol like its going out of fashion. What seems to be ignored is that there are random alcohol tests onboard, and that now there is a ‘Company Policy’ against drinking and all of that. Also forgotten is the fact that drinking deters sharp judgment; and that mistakes at sea can threaten the lives of all onboard. In our favor, alcohol is indeed very cheap onboard (but that doesn’t give us the liberty to drink it freely though). Moreover, considering increasing stringent regulations, most of the ships are now becoming “no-alcohol” zones.

    3. Seafarers Have Wife/Girl Friend At Every Port(船员个人生活不检点):这可能是十几年前的形成的风气给外人带来的不好印象。以前确实有到外国港后船员下地与一群女性厮混的情况。但是现在随着各重安全规定,ISPS等国际安保公约的限制,以及船员管理公司,船东公司,码头对安全的重视。这一切都成为了过去时。并且随着现在船员随着时代的进步,以及受教育的程度不断提高,这一切越来越少的发生。其实,船员对佳通关系的维护以及对婚姻关系的忠诚程度不比一般的人差,甚至过之而无不及。因为他们知道,一份真正的需要自己去呵护的特别的人在家里面等着他回来。 The sole reason why sailors are interpreted to be inherently unfaithful! There was a time when a sailor was greeted at ports with a string of women to choose from. But then that was decades back! However, over time, with the advent of safety regulations, ISPS Code and other security measures, this has become a thing of the past. Combine that with the possibility of ruining one’s health and life back home, we have a purely fictional idea of a sailor’s entertainment at port. It is undeniable that if looked for, services can be found anywhere in the world, but that’s for any human being and not restricted to a sailor. A new country, a new port offers a plethora of sights and experiences. Also, none understands the value of a relationship (and the loyalty that goes with it) more than a sailor. Time away from loved ones doesn’t weaken bonds but strengthens them instead. Unlike others, seafarers knows the true meaning of – someone special is waiting back at home.

    4. Seafarers Are Always Seasick(船上摇得那么厉害,船员经常晕船吧?):“船遇到大风浪,你们一定经常晕船吧?" 诚然,遇到大风浪天气的情况下,船舶摇动会非常的厉害,容易导致晕船。 但是同大多数的晕动病一样,只会有少数的船员对此反应会比较强烈。但是,你要知道,经过无数次的大风大浪之后,船员都练就了钢一样的精神品质和身体素质,所以晕船现象并不是普遍的。 “Don’t you get seasick?!” One of the most common questions when a sailor proclaims proudly that he works on a ship. Seasickness is a condition that affects few. Is it not mandatory for every seafarer to feel seasick! Much like motion sickness, seasickness is subjective and affects people on a case-to-case basis. And no, it is not a big deal. People get it and then get over it gradually. Every seafarers might get homesick at some point in their careers, but there is no surety that everyone will get seasick.

    5. Seafarers Have To Deal With Pirates Everyday(到处都有海盗,船员是不是时刻都在准备与海盗搏斗):是的,你有可能看过关于海盗的电影诸如《菲利普斯船长》或是《加勒比海盗》等,现在诸如亚丁湾,以及新加坡海峡等地也时不时会有海盗的出现。但是随着对全世界对海盗的关注与护航编队的保护,海盗已经不像加勒比海盗里面那么恐怖。船员也不用每时每刻每地都时刻担心并准备抵御海盗的进攻!Yes, we know you’ve watched Captain Phillips and Pirates of the Caribbean. And yes, the former as close as it’ll get to a true depiction of an encounter such as that. We also know you are aware and also worried of the rising number of pirates around Somalia. But all the seas the world over are not sprinkled with heaps of pirates! Piracy is concentrated in certain parts of the world. Also, it is not compulsory that a pirate attack is guaranteed in those parts of the world. If safety and security measures are not executed to a full length and there are lapses in judgment, it is only then that pirates have the ability to get ship borne. Gradually though, with the advent of armed guards, things are getting much tougher and dangerous for the pirates. However, as a standalone security measure, sailors still have to make do with water hoses and barbed wires! But that doesn’t mean seafarers have to deal with pirates everyday and everywhere.


    6. Seafarers Get To See New Countries(船员能到世界各地逛遍五湖四海能随意出国旅游):国际远洋船舶确实会全世界各个港口。但是随着现代化港口的装卸速率越来越快,船舶在港时间越来越短,并且到港后船员都会有各种的事情等待着处理,除了散货船一般靠港时间会相对长点以外,集装箱船的装卸货时间都是非常短的,甚至有些大型油轮根本都不靠岸而是在海上就通过管道卸载了。所以现在船员的下地时间是越来越短了,更无论说出去游玩了。“Oh! You’re in the merchant navy. You must get to travel so much!” Undoubtedly one of the most common statements from people who have not been associated with the merchant navy whatsoever. Times have changed and so have trading patterns. Discharging at ports is fast and efficient, leaving little or no time for shore leave. VLCCs don’t even get to reach port at times. Bulk carriers are probably the only kind of ships that have the luxury of being at port for over a couple of days. That too, work shifts and stress makes seafarers put bed rest over going out to the city. Just because seafarers visit new ports and countries that doesn’t mean they have the luxury or opportunity to roam around according to their own wish.

    7. Seafarers Live a Glamorous Life(船员过着爽翻了的优雅的度假生活): People without a fair idea of the merchant navy seem to think that it is a glamorous life. Ships, exotic countries, smart uniforms, great technologies, enchanting sea etc. might make our life at sea seem nothing short of a Hollywood flick. Unfortunately (or fortunately!), people do not get to see the dirty boiler suits, the torn safety shoes, the condition of one’s face at a dusty port, the fatigue that engulf them at the end of the day and so on and so forth. Agreed that there is a certain level of sheen that exists in our line of work. But that luster only comes once all the dirt has been removed.

    8. Seafarers Have An Easy Life With 6 Months On Land and 6 Months At Sea(每年只工作六个月,假期超长!爽翻了是不是): There’s a universal idea that all seafarers have a ‘common 6 months on, 6 months off’ regime. So naturally, they believe that the life is easy for we work for 6 months and laze around for the other 6! Ridiculous, come to think of it. First of all, contracts differ in tenure. It can be 4 on, 2 off or a variety of other combinations depending on the rank and company. Secondly, the months that we don’t work, we’re only spending and not earning. Even with companies that pay while their seafarers are at home, it’s normally much reduced. Third, the work that we do over the few months that we are onboard, makes it necessary for us to go back home and relax; else we’d all go berserk! Couple that with handling family, relationships, exams etc. and we barely get proper time to completely switch off.

    9. Seafarers Are Uneducated Fools(船员都是没文化没知识大老粗):过去上船工作可能真的不需要太多的文化与知识,只用勤快和熟练就够了。但是随着船舶的现代化,自动化程度越来越高,国际公约,法律法规的越来越完善。天文,地理,人文,法律法规,机械原理等越来越多的知识需要船员去掌握,这些需要掌握的知识与技能甚至通过四年的本科学习都不能达到一个很好的水平。可以说得上也是知识密集型的行业。 Gone are the days when joining the merchant navy meant getting on a ship when one came of age and sailing away. Many people think going to sea doesn’t need much of education. But the truth is today, every rank, including the crew of the ship, has to be well informed, educated and dexterous in theory as well as practice. As far as the officers are concerned, it is a different ball game! Studies pertaining to the merchant navy have become very intense. Subjects ranging from Celestial Navigation to COLREGS to Chartwork have to be registered to the brain in a permanent manner. Those who have been through 3 years of BSc in Nautical Science or 4 years of BTech in Marine Engineering will clearly know the hell they have to go through! So, assuming that sailors are complete buffoons with no knowledge of their craft is a very misplaced concept.

    10. Seafarers Have to Fight Wars(船员是海军,经常需要打仗!!!):经常有人误认为船员就是海军!船员上海上去都是为了参加战斗!! 虽然在战时,商船船员有可能会被征召去协助作战,但是正常和平情况下船员跟海军真的是一点关系没有。船员就是工作商船上,航运的目的仅仅就是将货物有一个港口运往另一个港口。 People often confuse merchant navy with defense navy. Many believe everyone going to the sea goes to fight wars. The merchant navy is an auxiliary entity that might be called upon in case of dire emergency to assist the navy. However, on a daily operational basis, it has NOTHING to do with the navy or the armed forces of the country in general. The merchant navy is simply a commercial operation wherein transfer of goods/cargo takes place across the world. As in a business wherein goods are exchanged for monetary gains, the merchant navy involves the same process where goods are handed over from A to B for money. So no, please do not confuse it with the navies.

    11. Seafarers Must Be Great Swimmers(船员都是游泳健将,都能横渡太平洋): 因为船员长期工作在海上所以就给外界人造成了海员应该各个都是游泳高手的假象。其实不然,船员虽然工作杂海上,但是因为现在的船舶都非常的巨大且航速极高,船员根本没有下海游泳的机会。 及时船舶有可能沉没之后,船员也会有救生衣及救生艇,并且为了方便失事后搜救人员搜索,除非离岸非常近,一般情况下都需要船员在救生艇上呆在失事地点附近以便于搜索,不用从大洋上游到岸上。Just because seafarers have to work at sea, people assume that it is mandatory for them to be great swimmers. However, the fact is seafarers do not have to be swimmers to work at sea. It’s a common misbelief among people that seafarers might need to swim to shores or other ships incase the ship meets with an accident. But no matter how great swimmer a person is, even if the situation demands, it is next to impossible to swim to shores or stay afloat in water in extreme weather conditions. Moreover, there are several personal protective equipment on board ships to ensure that seafarers can float in water during emergencies.

    12. Seafarers Don’t Have Anything To Do at Sea(船员在船上总是无所事事):一般人的观念是,船员在船上一般都是无所事事,钓钓鱼呀,闲逛呀,发呆呀,晒太阳什么的,还能到处旅游,多好的事。殊不知其实现在船上其实每个人都是一个萝卜一个坑,特别是到港时,都是非常忙的,要是遇到紧急情况,更需要不分日夜的干活。 Life is easy for seafarers, there is nothing much to do on board ships – that’s what many people think. A myth goes around that people at sea just lazy around, fish and make merry once the ship sails. As many don’t have a clue about the working of the ship, they think seafarers have lots of time in hand which allows them to booze, travel and relax. However, the fact is seafarers are one of the most hardworking people in the world who have to face serious issues everyday on board.


    所以希望大家能够更多的了解海员这个群体,给他们更多的关注。要知道,如果没有海员,世界上现在一半的人在挨饿,而另一半在受冻。毫不夸张的说,没有他们,就没有世界经济的发展,整个世界将瘫痪。At the end, however many inappropriate things seafarers might hear about their profession, the love for the sea and their job is never diminished. Sailors love talking about their job and their stories at sea. Seafarers are humans too who work very hard through the roughest weather putting their lives at risk. Therefore, it’s important that the common folk is well informed about the merchant navy and life at sea; for if it wasn’t for seafarers, the economy of the entire world would come to a halt!
                                    来源:信德海事  2015年3月18日